ScicosLab Serial Interface Block
The ScicosLab Serial Interface Block allows a communication between a ScicosLab simulation and a mikrocontroller (e.g. the Arduino-UNO board) to exchange sensor and actuator signals.
At the moment this block only supports ScicosLab 4.4.1 and WIN32. With the real-time scaling parameter of a Scicos-Simulation one can use it to control a plant directly from the ScicosLab simulation.
With this framework it is very easy to realize soft real-time experiments for educational purposes or rapid prototyping with a sample time of approx. 20ms or more. If shorter sample times are required a real-time linux with BIOE or other modules should be prefered.
Download Package for WIN32 and ScicosLab 4.4.1 (0.44MB)
ScicosSerialInterfaceBlock12.05-Manual.pdf....ScicosSerialInterfaceBLock 12.05 Manual (English, 0.34MB)