Elements and LPT-Interfaces

BIOE V1.3 modules
BIOE V1.3: downloading the firmware into the BIOE
The BIOE bus lpt interface and a BIOE module.
The backside of the ATMega16 based BIOE module.
Two BIOEs and stick insect.


A simple experimental setup with a potentiometer for an analog input signal and a RC low pass filter for a PWM based analog output.
Controlling a BLDC Motor with a BIOE module. The commutation and PWM signal generation was done by the BIOE module and the speed control by a common PC with Linux and RTAI
An extended control application using three BIOEs connected to one BIOE bus.


Screenshot of BIOEGUI viewing the endpoints of a BIOE device with the address two.
The BIOE blocks used in a scicos model.
